The following Terms of Use govern your use of the Sanders Warren & Russell LLP website:
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The information on this Website is not legal advice and does not create an attorney-client relationship. Any communication initiated via this Website may not be confidential and may not be subject to the attorney-client privilege. Sanders Warren & Russell LLP may have client relationships or conflicts that could prevent us from representing you or treating your communications as confidential. Any e-mail communication does not constitute legal representation. Requesting information from the Website via email or otherwise does not constitute a client-attorney relationship. If you wish to contact us by e-mail, you should not send us any confidential information prior to our accepting a representation on your behalf. You should also be aware that: (1) e-mail communication is not a secure method of communication; (2) any e-mail that is sent to you or by you may be copied and held by various computers it passes through as it goes from us to you or vice versa; and (3) persons not participating in our communication may improperly intercept our communications. If you do communicate with us via e-mail, we understand that you have consented to correspond with us via this medium.
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The information on this Website is for general purposes only, is not legal advice and should not be interpreted to indicate a certain result will occur in your specific legal situation. Additionally, this information is not a substitute for legal representation. You should not act upon this information without seeking professional counsel regarding your own situation.
We are very proud of the results we obtain for our clients, but you should know that past results afford no guarantee of future results; that every case is different and must be judged on its own merits; and that the choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements.
Additionally, any questions or concerns regarding the content of this Website should be directed to Sanders Warre & Russell LLP at 816-942-6100.